Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Snack Time, Everyone!

Today was one of those days. You know what I am talking about? The kind where the minute you wake you up something goes wrong. That is at least how mine usually go. You see, every Thursday I get to sleep-in but today I did not. Why, you ask? My dog, Jack got sick. I won't go into details, but lets just say cleaning up after his mess suppressed my appetite for quite a few hours. Okay, for about an hour. What can I say? I LOVE to eat :)

Anyways, my day continued to go downhill when I later smashed my finger in my coat closet door. Then, to top it off I had to call off work for this evening because I had to take care of my dog. Honestly that last problem was fine with me. I needed the night off.
During the day I had been busy running errands and didnt have time to make a meal. By the time i did it was too close to dinner so I decided to make a snack. What a great concept by the way, a snack. I wonder where that word was derived from? Anyone know? oops, I am interrupting myself again. Story of my life. Ask anyone who knows me.
Today I decided that fruit and cheese sounded perfect, but then my eye caught the 'triscuit' box on the top shelf of my kitchen cabinet. I could think of nothing better but to combine the three! It was perfect.

After I enjoyed this simple, tasty delight I decided to go online and check out what other people like on their triscuits. I found this website that gave me quite a few different ideas. Check it out:

Moral of this story: Next time you are having a rough day, grab a box of triscuits and create something bold. I dare you.

Let me know how you like to spice up your triscuit crackers. Oh, and if anyone from the triscuit company reads this, you owe me a ton of money for bragging endlessly about your product. please? ;)


  1. I LOVE Triscuits! I usually have them with some type of cheese! Either port wine cheese, Swiss, extra sharp cheddar, or smoked Gouda!! Good story Lauren!!

  2. Found out where the word snack came from: From the Middle English word snacken, which means "have a mere bite or morsel, eat a light meal" is first attested 1807.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Put a little ragu sauce, cheddar cheese, and bake at 325 F for 10-15 mins. They're like little pizzas! Yummy :)
