Monday, May 3, 2010

April Showers bring May...Herbs?

It has been a little while since my last post! My sister, who takes my photos for each blog post, has had her camera in the shop so I have had no one to take pictures for me. Her camera is in the shop for another week, but I could not wait any longer. So, These Images are horrible cell phone camera pictures. Honestly, I need to just save up and buy my own digital camera!

Anyways, my mom always has the most creative gift ideas. This year for easter she got me candy (of course) but also three little pots with seeds to grow my own herbs! She has been so supportive of my desire to grow my own food and eat fresh, natural food. Thank you, Mom.

I had had the pots sitting in my cabinet for almost a month, because I kept forgetting to purchase potting soil. Luckily, my mom is always good at remember the things I forget. When we were shopping yesterday she had the great idea of picking up potting soil.

Today I woke up feeling refreshed, after having been sick all weekend, and decided it was a perfect day to plant my seeds. It took a lot longer than I thought, but it was enjoyable. I can not wait to see them grow! Ill make sure I post a blog in a few weeks to show their progress. (Ill make other posts concerning different things in the mean time). Until then, live, laugh, and eat WELL.

God Bless.

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