Monday, November 29, 2010

O is for Omelette

Woah, a post two days in a row? I am surprised too.

If you are like me, you LOVE breakfast! If you are even more like me you never know what to make! So today I thought, "What will fill me up, give me energy, and provide me with the nutrients my body needs?" Okay, I didnt really say this to myself, though I did decide an omelette would be a perfect way to start my morning. It is so simple and allows you to get creative in the kitchen.

Let's face it, we all don't get enough vegetables, so here is a perfect opportunity to pack them into one meal.

To start, I cracked two eggs onto a hot pan (on low) and scrambled them a bit. While that was cooking, I quickly chopped up my favorite veggies and tossed them in with my eggs. To finish it off I topped it with a little Feta cheese [You can choose whatever cheese you fancy though :) ] and laid it on a bed of greens.

Did you see how easy that was?! Now you just need a glass of orange juice and you have a nutrient packed breakfast waiting for you at the table!

*I apologize for the quality of this photo. it was taken with my cell phone, which i must say has been dropped more that 20982309572935792378 times.